The Annual General Body Meeting of Pantnagar Technology Alumni Association (P.T.A.A.) was convened on September 18, 2021 at 12:15 PM in the Conference Hall of College of Technology (Old Building). The members present in the house elected following officers for the next Executive Committee for the period of 2021-22 and 2022-23:
S.N. Name of Member Position
1 Dr. Ajit Kumar President
2 Dr. Vinod Kumar General Secretary
3 Dr. Sonika Chauhan Treasurar
4 Dr. Manish Tiwari Secretary-I
5 Dr. Abhishek Tomar Secretary-II
6 Dr. Shobhit Gupta PRO-II
In addition to the above, the following were elected as Zonal Coordinators:
S.N. Name of Member Position
1 Er. K.C. Belwal Central Zone
2 Er. Naveen Goel Northern Zone
3 Er. Manoj Rawat Western Zone
4 Er. Amit Tyagi/
Mr. Sumit Gulati
Southern Zone
5 Er. P.N. Singh/
Er. Sanjay Tiwari
Eastern Zone